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FACT: In 1990, a DuPont conducted survey of 811 employees with disabilities found 90% rated average or better in job performance compared to 95% for employees without disabilities.  A similar 1981 DuPont study which involved 2,745 employees with disabilities rated average or better in job performance compared to 90% of employees without disabilities.  The 1981 study results were comparable to DuPont's 1973 job performance study.

MYTH: Persons with disabilities have problems getting to work.
FACT: Persons with disabilities are capable of supplying their own transportation by choosing to walk, use a car pool, drive, take public transportation, or a cab.

MYTH: Employees with disabilities are more likely to have accidents on the job than employees without disabilities.

​FACT: In the 1990 DuPont study, the safety records of both groups were identical.

MYTH: Persons with disabilities are unable to meet performance standards, thus making them a bad employment risk.

MYTH: Hiring employees with disabilities increases workers compensation insurance rates.

​FACT:  Insurance rates are based solely on the relative hazards of the operation and the organization's accident experience, not on whether workers have disabilities.

MYTH: Employees with disabilities have a higher absentee rate than employees without disabilities.
FACT: Studies by firms such as DuPont show that employees with disabilities are not absent any more than employees without disabilities.

MYTH: Persons with disabilities are inspirational, courageous, and brave for being able to overcome their disability.
FACT: Persons with disabilities are simply carrying on normal activities of living when they drive to work, go grocery shopping, pay their bills, or compete in athletic events.


MYTH: Persons with disabilities need to be protected from failing.
FACT: Persons with disabilities have a right to participate in the full range of human experiences - including success and failure.  Employers should have the same expectations of, and work requirements for, all employees.


Myths are roadblocks that interfere with the ability of persons with disabilities to have equality in employment.  These roadblocks usually result from a lack of experience and interaction with persons with disabilities.  This lack of familiarity or awareness has nourished negative attitudes concerning employment of persons with disabilities.  Listed below are some common myths and the facts that tell the real story.

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